Don’t Take Our Word For It… Listen To Your Colleagues.
Created by you. For you. It’s not just a snappy slogan. It’s what we’re doing. It’s who we are. Take a peek at what your colleagues believe about the work you share.
I am excited to see where God leads this new venture as it finds its shape and form, and to collaborate and innovate with SW & SE MN synods in focusing on clergy health, wellness & continuing education.
‐ Amy Karlson, Pastor
I feel called to tend to the vocational and personal health of my family and my peers, and by extension our ministries.
‐ Nikoli Falenschek, Pastor
I believe in the value of practical collegial support. A strong pastorate depends on a strong, healthy support system. I’m glad that we’re intentionally looking at a support and development system for the entire spectrum of ministry.
‐ Scott Richards, Pastor
I’m honestly very burned out and want to support others in the same boat. Maybe that way we won’t sink. 😉
‐ Becca Krogstad, Pastor
I think that ongoing support and professional development for pastors is important and we need to be more proactive about building a community that can surround and lift up pastors.
‐ Salim Kaderbhai, Pastor
Continuous learning is important for all of us. I have a long history of being mentored by and mentoring others. Working together is of great importance to the vitality of ministry.
‐ Art Wiese, Pastor
I see tremendous potential for this initiative to make a positive impact on rostered leaders and the congregations they serve by connecting them more deeply to one another. It’s hard to be hopeful when you feel isolated and unsupported. I’m impressed by the people that are being gathered for this task. It is refreshing to be part of a process that is starting from the ground up, beginning with a diverse group of leaders themselves talking about what they need to not only survive ministry, but thrive as faithful and adaptive servants of Christ.
‐ Bryant Kaden, Pastor
As I reflect on my ministry career, I think about the variety of continuing education opportunities that I have had and how hard I searched to find something that was profound and meaningful. I am excited about being part of CPG to help shape and provide these types of opportunities for my colleagues in a way that is accessible for them. I am also exited for the opportunity to continue to grow myself, both professionally and personally.
‐ Dan Doering, Pastor
Pastors want to grow. One challenge seems to be that the types of offerings that might help them most either don’t exist, or are financially beyond their reach. As a chaplain at a hospital I am involved in my organization’s Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) program. This is a continual reminder of how much there is to learn in our important work of loving and serving this world God loves. I am glad to be a part of this initiative!