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Spiritual Practice

Sunday AM Prayer 7 July 2024

Offending God, You sent Jesus to show me how to live and it can be so hard. To do the right thing, to think the right thing, to act out of love instead of insisting on being right. People are…

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Sunday Am Prayer 30 June 2024

Sunday Prayer for the Chaplain + Deacon + Pastor Dear God, I wait for you. I know you are there. Here. WIth me. I know this. And yet, the waiting. There is so much waiting in my life, in ministry….

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Sunday Prayer 23 June 2024

Can you believe it, God? I’ve made it through some things in life. In this life of ministry and in all the other areas too. Like I need to tell you, huh!? And here we are. Together. It sort of…

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Sunday Prayer 16 June 2024

Loving, Grace-filled God, While I was sleeping, you were working on me. And on the world. In mysterious and miraculous ways – I don’t know how, but you do. Relentlessly. Faithfully. Teach me to sleep deeply in that endless trust…

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Sunday 9 June 2024 Prayer

Sunday Prayer for the Chaplain + Deacon + Pastor God, You are forgiveness. I mean, it’s why you sent Jesus. You wrapped up all the love and mercy in the person of Jesus and sent him to forgive me and…

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