![Sunday Morning Prayer](https://www.cgpmn.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Sunday-Morning-Prayer.jpg)
Sunday AM Prayer 25 Feb 2024
A Sunday Prayer for the Pastor, Deacon, Chaplain
Generous God,
Lent is lenting right along. I know you know that, since it’s you I’m following. But I just thought I’d say that right out of the gate. But you know that I really mean to say that it’s a lot. Lots of new things kick up in my schedule during this season. Along with all the unexpected things that make up a life of ministry. But before I get short of breath about my to-do and to-dread list, let me just take a moment to remember. Today I will remember, even for just a moment, that my ideas about what a savior looks like so often don’t look like you. Where I look for a certain kind of order or sense, I often find me reflected back at me. Decidedly not you. Where I look for answers or ramifications defined by me, you work overtime to show me mystery and grace amidst the assumptions and messes I make. Suffering and dying? Losing to gain? What sense does any of that even make? Today I will remember, even for one hot second, that the people I am called to love and serve alongside also have that glitch in their operating systems. Not to mention the big ol goofy world we live in. So help me respond to all the things today – before, during and after workshop – with your grace and not my own hot-headed insisted upon ideas of who you are and how you must look and act. Because I am not the savior of all of the things. Not my church or community. Thanks for that. And find creative ways to get in my way to remind me of that, too. Because a hot second really goes fast.
Please, God, help me to not tell my beloveds – those who love me best and most – what I think they must do or how they must act in a Peter kind of way. I love that disciple so much I suppose because I am so much like him. Help me to simply love those who love me most and best, even during Lent. Especially during Lent. It’s when I need these people the most. Oh, who am I kidding. That’s every season. Help me not take for granted those who support me most in ministry. Put words of your grace in my mouth. Light me up to speak gratitude instead of all the other options. Because it’s all from you, generous God. Thank you. Wow. Amen.
Ok. Take 2 deep breaths. Look around you. Say thank you for whatever you see. I’m serious.
Ok, now go do the things. God’s got you.
P.S – Laura Aase here. You are a beloved child of God. I am praying for you.
Here’s your Sunday! Sunday! Sunday! Lent Mix Tape Track: You! Me! Dancing! by Los Campesinos!