8 September 2024 Prayer for the Chaplain, Deacon, Pastor
You can pray with Laura right here: https://www.cgpmn.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Sept-8-prayer.m4a
God of relationship,
I love that you are active and present in my life. In the whole of my life, you are there. And sometimes I push back on it. Sometimes I refuse to see it. Sometimes it washes over me and I am astounded to see you. Sometimes it’s in the rearview mirror. Sometimes I miss your presence altogether. And yet, I know that I matter to you, despite my baggage and all that seems to hang in the air with me. But you clear the air and sift through the debrie and point out that even the leftovers are enough. Especially those leftovers. There is evidence of your faithfulness found in the most unlikely places and people. So find my heart today and bring it back to life so that I know that you are in everyone I encounter today. Those who I struggle to love and serve. Those who seem to try and trip me up at every turn. Those who seem to work against your love. Stir up your compassion in me. Help me to experience your love, your possibilities in all these people. Even if its well after the fact. Even it feels like leftover love. That’s still your love that brings new life. You are the life-giver, after all. You breathed into me and sent me out to tend and to nourish and to love in your name. What could be better than that!?
Whatever stressors lie ahead today, whatever things that make me nervous or anxious, help me to trust in you and not take it out on my loved ones – be they furry companions or human. Help me to look in the mirror and know I am loved by you first and most so that I can share that love with those who have stuck with me and want the best for you me. You show no partiality – you just share your love willy nilly. Ha! What a joy it is to love you, God. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Amen.
Take a deep breath, dear deacon, dear pastor, dear chaplain. For your labor in the Lord is not in vain. Don’t be afraid. God is with you.
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