5 January 2025 Prayer for the Chaplain + Deacon + Pastor
If you’d like to listen to Pastor Laura pray for you, you can do that right here. Ain’t technology grand? https://www.cgpmn.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/January-5-2025.m4a
God of light, help me to look up for you today. Up to the morning sky, or the night sky. Up to the heavens where I believe you to be. Shining. Making all things new. And help me took down for you today, too. Present in my own beating heart. Showing up in my own flesh and blood. Give me the eyes to see and the faith to believe that you are part of me. You are the very essence of me. Your light is to be found in, of all people, me. Wow. What a miracle. What a complete gift. So unexpected and undeserved. And yet, there you are. Shining through me. Sometimes dimly, but it’s still your light. Sometimes bright and clear. Sometimes it is light others can see and I am blind to it. Sometimes it is known only to my inner most depths, and it is a flicker at best. But your love for me and your faithfulness to me is always true, even when it doesn’t feel true to me.
And your light shines in all those who I serve alongside, those I minister to. It shines in those who are easy to love and those who are difficult to love, and I depend on others, especially you, to love them. Help me, God of light, true light, to shine your light and love today. Even if I don’t like my sermon – ha. Maybe especially then. Shine super bright then, would you? And for those who are dearest to me in my life, fill them with your light and your love.
For colleagues close and those who serve in places far from me, I pray for your light to encourage and fill them today.
Thank you for the gifts of the sky and the heavens and for your word made flesh in the here and now, on the ground with me today. Amen.
Ok dear ones: Take some deep new year breaths! You are ablaze in the light of God. Don’t be afraid, because God is with you!
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