2019 Gallup Rostered Leader Engagement Survey
December 4, 2019 by Grady St. Dennis
In preparation for 2020 official launch of the Gustavus Continuous Growth Pathway, the leadership team partnered with Gallup to create the 2019 Gallup Rostered Leader Engagement Survey to establish a baseline regarding the employee engagement of ELCA rostered leaders in Southern Minnesota, as well as create a way to hear and respond to your voice as valued leaders. Gallup, Inc. adds another layer of expertise and excellence to inform the work of the Continuous Growth Pathway. The validated employee engagement survey has been completed by millions of people in thousands of organizations across the world.
Engagement is the involvement and enthusiasm employees have for work. A high level of engagement is linked to increased performance and organizational success. As rostered leaders, we live and work within a complex employment structure of ELCA church-wide, regional synods, and specific ministry context locations.
We want to better understand your needs from an employee engagement standpoint. We plan to continue measuring and working to build engagement through 2023 to help us evaluate and ensure the Continuous Growth Pathway is attending to the needs facing our rostered leaders. The aggregate/group results will be reported to the Continuous Growth Pathway Advisory Board and various working groups of the Continuous Growth Pathway in order to help us evaluate next steps for creating a better work environment for rostered leaders.
The engagement results will be incorporated into the development of the Gustavus Continuous Growth Pathway and help build a stronger support community for ELCA rostered leaders in Southern Minnesota.
Continuous Growth Pathway is a comprehensive leadership development and ministry support outreach of Gustavus Adolphus College in partnership with the Southeastern and Southwestern Minnesota Synods of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America for the rostered leaders of the synods and made possible by a generous grant from the Thriving in Ministry Initiative of the Lilly Endowment, Inc. Created in 2019, the Continuous Growth Pathway is an expansion of the Pastor-to-Pastor Program which Gustavus Adolphus College established in 2004 in partnership with the Southern Minnesota synods as a part of the Office of Church Relations outreach ministry of the college.